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How to Cure Constipation Naturally? : [ 3 Simple Ways ]

How to Cure Constipation Naturally? :  [ 3 Simple Ways ]

How to Naturally Get Rid of Constipation


Constipation, a common yet uncomfortable condition, often gets trivialized but its impact on daily life can be profound. From bloating to stomach aches and even headaches, constipation can lead to various unpleasant symptoms. However, it's essential to understand that constipation is a symptom, not a disease, and addressing it naturally can lead to long-term relief. In this article, we delve into the Three C's Method to tackle constipation naturally and permanently.

Control: Managing Your Diet and Mind

The first step in combating constipation is control. By monitoring your diet and maintaining a healthy mindset, you can significantly reduce the occurrence of constipation. Here's how to incorporate control into your lifestyle:

Dietary Management:

  • Start your day with a glass of warm water and end it with another before bedtime.
  • Keep your digestive system hydrated by consuming sufficient water and other liquids throughout the day.
  • Include fibre-rich foods, leafy vegetables, and fruits in your diet to promote bowel movements.
  • Establish a regular schedule for bowel movements, ideally after drinking warm liquids in the morning.

Mind-Body Connection:

  • Practice mindfulness to control negative thoughts, which can disrupt the harmony between mind and body.
  • Explore yogic techniques to develop vairagya (detachment) and aage bhava (acceptance), fostering mental well-being.

Concentration: Directing Energy to Digestive Health

Concentration plays a crucial role in energizing the organs of digestion and ensuring their optimal function. Redirecting your focus towards digestive health can alleviate constipation effectively. Here are some strategies for concentration:

  • Avoid distractions like reading or using your mobile phone while in the toilet.
  • Focus on your breath and muscles during bowel movements to facilitate waste elimination.
  • Engage in yoga asanas that involve pelvic movements to enhance digestive and excretory system health.

Consistency: The Key to Long-Term Relief

Consistency is paramount in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing constipation in the long run. By incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can ensure the sustained functioning of your digestive system. Here's how to prioritize consistency:

  • Embrace a holistic approach to health and commit to regular practice.
  • Cultivate reverence towards your health practices, ensuring dedication and continuity.
  • Uphold the principles of control, concentration, and consistency to achieve lasting relief from constipation.


By implementing the Three C's Method – control, concentration, and consistency – you can bid farewell to constipation naturally and permanently. Prioritize dietary management, mindfulness, and regular practice to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall well-being. With dedication and persistence, you can transform your mornings into pleasant experiences and make your world more wonderful.


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not substitute professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

Addressing constipation naturally requires a holistic approach that encompasses dietary management, mindfulness, and regular practice. By incorporating the Three C's Method into your daily routine, you can achieve lasting relief and improve your overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can constipation be prevented naturally?
A: Yes, constipation can be prevented naturally by adopting dietary modifications, practising mindfulness, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Q: Are there any risks associated with natural remedies for constipation?
A: While natural remedies are generally safe, individuals with underlying medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before making significant lifestyle changes.

Q: How long does it take to see results with the Three C's Method?
A: Results may vary depending on individual factors, but consistency is key to achieving long-term relief from constipation.

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